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Stakeholder engagement and Materiality matrix

The dialogue with our stakeholders is a very important part in defining strategic decisions as well as in our daily work.

Sharing interests and objectives with our people and with our communities allows us to identify new ways to evolve our business, increasing our positioning and consequently creating value.

Ascolto stakeholders wider desktop

Our stakeholders and the communication channels

Our strategy and the definition of the materiality topics stem from listening to stakeholders.

Materiality analysis

Starting from 2022, materiality is measured through the impacts that corporate activity generates on the economy, environment and people, including impacts on human rights.

In 2023 we strengthened the impact materiality process, launched in 2022, through a broader stakeholder engagement activity which focused on the impacts generated by the Banco BPM Group with the aim of creating a prioritized list of material topics.

Materiality analysis flux