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Banco BPM Stock, Shareholder Base and Dividends


The share capital subscribed and paid in amounts to 7,100,000,000.00 euro.
The share capital is divided into 1,515,182,126 ordinary shares without par value.

The major holdings in the share capital of Banco BPM, on the basis of the declarations made by law, is indicated here below. Please see the following section for information on investors of Banco BPM who have adhered to a Consultation Agreement.

Shareholder% stake
Crédit Agricole SA15,10%1


1. The share includes 5.20% falling under the type of shareholding “Other long positions with cash settlement”, represented by two derivative contracts of the “ total return swap” type with cash settlement but with the right of Delfinances SAS to request, after obtaining the necessary authorizations, that settlement take place with physical delivery of the shares underlying the derivative contracts. Source: website – Listed companies – Declaration of major shareholdings pursuant to Art. 120 D.LGS. 58/98 Section

Last update: 11 Dicember 2024


Updated essential information on the Consultation Agreement, which was signed on 21 December 2020, updated as at 20 July 2021, 18 October 2022, 31 December 2022, 27 March 2023, 19 December 2023 and 16 February 2024 and which regroups 6.5% of Banco BPM’s share capital, can be found here below.


Please see here below the essential information on the Consultation Agreement, which was signed on 18 January 2021 and updated as at 21 July 2021; this agreement, which had regrouped 4.694% of Banco BPM’s share capital, was terminated on 1 November 2021.



On 6 November 2024, the Board of Directors of Banco BPM has approved the distribution of 606,072,850.40 euros, resulting from a unit amount of 40 eurocents for each of the 1,515,182,126, as an interim dividend based on the 2024 results; however, no distribution will be made to any treasury shares that the Bank may hold on the record date. The interim dividend will be paid on November 20, 2024 (payment date) with ex-dividend date on November 18, 2024 (ex-date) and record date on November 19, 2024. The allotment will be subject to the ordinary tax regime provided for dividend payments.

Document available in Italian version only


On 8 February 2024, Banco BPM’s Board of Directors decided to propose, at the Shareholders’ Meeting of 18 April 2024, the distribution of a cash dividend per share of € 0.56, before withholding taxes, for each of the no.1,515,182,126 ordinary shares, for a total amount of € 848.5 million, corresponding to a dividend payout ratio of 67%. Having been approved by the Shareholders at the General Meeting, the distribution, which was subject to the ordinary tax regime for the distribution of dividends, took place on 24 April 2024 (payment date), with ex-date 22 April 2024 and record date on 23 April 2024.


On 7 February 2023, Banco BPM’s Board of Directors decided to propose, at the Shareholders’ Meeting of 20 April 2023, the distribution of a cash dividend per share of € 0.23, before withholding taxes, for each of the no.1,515,182,126 ordinary shares, for a total amount of € 348.5 million, corresponding to a dividend payout ratio of 50%. Having been approved by the Shareholders at the General Meeting, the distribution, which was subject to the ordinary tax regime for the distribution of dividends, took place on 26 April 2023 (payment date), with ex-date 24 April 2023 and record date on 25 April 2023.


On 8 February 2022, Banco BPM’s Board of Directors decided to propose, at the Shareholders’ Meeting of 7 April 2022, the distribution of a cash dividend per share of € 0.19, before withholding taxes, for each of the no.1,515,182,126 ordinary shares, for a total amount of € 287.9 million, corresponding to a dividend payout ratio of 50%. Having been approved by the Shareholders at the General Meeting, the distribution, which was subject to the ordinary tax regime for the distribution of dividends, took place on 21 April 2022 (payment date), with ex-date on 19 April 2022 and record date on 20 April 2022.


On 9 February 2021, Banco BPM’s Board of Directors, in compliance with the European Central Bank recommendation of 15 December 2020 in force until 30 September 2021, decided to propose, at the Shareholders’ Meeting of 15 April 2021, the distribution of a cash dividend per share of € 0.06, before withholding taxes, for each of the no. 1,515,182,126 ordinary shares, for a total amount of € 90.9 million. Having been approved by the Shareholders at the General Meeting, the distribution, which was subject to the ordinary tax regime for the distribution of dividends, took place on 21 April 2021 (payment date), with ex-date on 19 April 2021 and record date on 20 April 2021.


On March 31, 2020, the Board of Directors of Banco BPM resolved not to submit, at the Shareholders’ Meeting of April 4, 2020, item no. 2 of the agenda (Resolutions on profit allocation and distribution); this in order to implement the indications provided by the European Central Bank with the communication of 27 March 2020, regarding the distribution of dividends during the Covid-19 pandemic. The net income posted in the annual report of the Parent company Banco BPM at 31 December 2019, after deducting the amount allocated to retained earnings, was therefore set aside in the Bank’s shareholder’s equity, designated as a reserve available for distribution.